Quick Details
18+ years old | Min. 2, Max. 8 People
SEK 1795
12-17 years old or valid student ID
SEK 1595
4-11 years old
SEK 1195
Spend a half-day with our team of Siberian huskies
Is it possible to do a dogsled tour without snow? Of course!
Now you can enjoy the nature behind a dog team even without snow.
On this tour, experience the charm of being pulled behind a team of 8-12 Siberian huskies. We drive approx. 16 kilometers before we come back to the kennel again for lunch or dinner.
Prepared over an open fire in our Laplander hut, the food will have a touch of the wildernes, maybe reindeer or Swedish moose!
What is included
- Lunch or dinner